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Jenny Siler grew up in Missoula, Montana, where her mother taught in the English Department at the University of Montana. At the age of 15, she received a scholarship to Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. After graduating from high school, she worked her way around Europe, taking jobs as a grape picker, factory worker, sketch model, and waitress. Later, she attended Columbia University.


In her 20's, Jenny lived in New York, Alaska, Key West, and Seattle. After publishing her first novel, Easy Money, at the age of 27, she moved back to Montana. She spent several years there and in southern Virginia, before settling with her husband and daughter in Maine. Jenny has published four books of fiction under her own name, and another two under the pseudonymn, Alex Carr. She has also worked as a co-author and ghost writer on several other book length projects. She graduated from the University of Southern Maine in the spring of 2024 with a bachelor's degree in Philosophy.


In addition to writing, Jenny has spent much of her life working in the restaurant industry, including as co-owner, with her husband, of a popular neighborhood coffee shop. She currently works as a server at a James Beard Award-nominated restaurant in Portland, Maine.