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"...an intelligent spy thriller...Effortlessly shifting point of view and back and forth in time, Carr well deserves comparisons with the early John le Carre."

-- Publishers Weekly
"...a fine novel dense with complex and flawed characters, a vivid sense of place, and fascinating
insights into the Muslim faith."

-- Booklist

"A smart, timely thriller."

-- Kirkus Reviews


"Demonstrates fiction's power to follow a shard of glass from the great explosion... In this novel, we learn how to decipher the language of war, its mismanaged intent and complex ramifications."

-- David Thayer, January Magazine, best books of 2007.


"A swift, clean, nuanced thriller...deeply atmospheric."

-- Adam Woog, Seattle Times, best crime novels of 2007.


"The complex puzzle of a life forgotten powers this beautifully written spy novel by Siler, set primarily in the dangerous alleys and souks of spice-drenched Morocco.... An air of lyrical melancholy hangs over the novel, as if a young John le Carre had rewritten the Bourne Identity with a female protagonist. The plotting is deft, the characters believable, and, in the end, Eve finds who she was, even if she remains unsure of what that means or what she will become."

-- Publishers Weekly
"Tight prose and quicksilver plot complete the package. Siler knows how to write an absorbing page-turner, and Flashback is every bit as much fun as her last."

-- Library Journal


"Intense, inventive and impressive, Flashback sees Jenny Siler go from strength to strength." - Val McDermid


"Shot is everything a thriller should be..."

-- Rebecca Ascher-Walsh, Entertainment Weekly


"Shot, the third of Jenny Siler's riveting suspense novels, showcases her strong female characters and superbly paced plotting.... The pieces come together fast and furious in this sharply written and timely novel evocative of the best of the genre."

--Baltimore Sun
"Quirky characters, a quicksilver plot, and chase scenes aplenty...in Siler's dirty but redeemable universe, everyone ends up on higher ground." 

--Publisher's Weekly



"This is poetry with attitude." - Marilyn Stasio, New York Times Book Review


"With a voice of authority as crisp and cutting as the Montana winter she so vividly evokes, Siler gives us Meg Gardner, a hard woman faced with hard choices, a heroine who has failed, but who never disappoints. Gardner--and Siler--is the real thing."

-- Laurie R. King


"One of the new talents in tough gal crime fiction.... She handles the hard-boiled writing style with a natural grace, never sounding forced or stagy.... It effectively reveals Gardner as a complex soul, faithless and dour, as rugged as the Montana wilderness."

-- Publishers Weekly
"Siler's first book, Easy Money, was a huge critical success and put the author on the literary map. Iced will keep her there."

-- Denver Post



"In her first novel, 27-year-old author Jenny Siler has shown tough-guy thriller writers how a woman does it. And she packs some punch...a terrific thriller."

-- Wall Street Journal


"Once in a blue moon, a new writer speaks up in a voice that gets your attention like a rifle shot. Jenny Siler had that kind of voice...clean, direct and a little dangerous...an intensely vivid piece of writing...."

-- New York Times Book Review
"Jenny Siler's Easy Money is not just a fine first novel. It's a fine novel--funny, smart, hard-boiled, tough minded and full of wonderful writing...the real deal, the beginning of a great career."

--James Crumley

"A seriously fast and scary ride... you'll end up checking your reading chair for a seatbelt!"

-- Ian Rankin